subject to changes. Please leave comments and let me know what ya'll think!
Thank you for all the wonderful feedback on the first teaser. It's greatly appreciated. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :) ~Hugs~ Alicia
The truck was coming straight for us. There was nowhere else for it to go. I knew we were going to hit, and my heart constricted unbearably at the thought of not being able to stop in time. The light was so bright that it was blinding me.
Maybe I could have missed him if only I would have turned in a different direction. Maybe I could have cranked the wheel hard or hit at a different angle to better our chances.
But it was too late, and we were past too many maybes.
Screams were overtaken by the deafening sound of metal crunching against metal.
“Lily! Lily! Wake up. It’s okay.” Hard hands were shaking me. “Lily, wake up. Come back to me. You’re okay. It’s just a nightmare.”
I opened my eyes to meet Kyle’s stare. His eyes, wide with worry, were illuminated by the night lamp. My pulse was beating frantically throughout my body as I tried to bring myself back to the present.
“No. It’s real…so real…” I cried. “It felt so real.”
“It wasn’t real, Lily. You’re here, here with me.” Kyle pulled me closer, gathering me in his arms.
Both of us were breathing erratically. Tears were streaming down my face and onto his chest.
“It’s okay now, Lily. You are here with me, not there. You don’t have to go there
I sat quietly for a minute, trying to gather my thoughts and steady myself. “I try…not to go there, but it just pulls me in. I can never win. It’s almost like my punishment…like I’m being punished for surviving,” I whispered.
He stroked my back, listening to my words. “No one is punishing you, Lily. You’ll get through this. We’ll help you find a way to get through this,” he promised.
- Beautiful Chances
© Alicia Rae